Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Life is sooo wonderful
Salam n Good Morning everyone...
i would like to tell u a fact about life..
well our life is actually so wonderful..
We experienced different kind of feelings..
that makes it wonderful..
when we sad, we should know that
the happiness will soon come to us,
why? because... This is what Allah promise us,
After every hardship and sadness, there will be
happiness.. so just be patient and wait for
Allah's mercifulness
and when we happy, enjoy it..
But.. don't be overexcited
until u forget the One who granted that happiness
to u... Say Alhamdulillah.. n feel it with your heart.
When u feel empty n lonely..
u should know soon that u gonna meet someone that
will fill in the emptiness in ur heart..
just pray and leave it to Allah,
He is actually the best helper for us...
So..when u look back to things that happened in ur life..
when u think deeply, feel it with ur heart...
then u will find that life is actually so wonderful..
because, it is actually not us who govern our life,
but Allah who is the most merciful God the one
who did that and u should know that
He never do bad to His servant.
Well, this is what i feel about my life..
just want to share with all of u my dear friends.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
National Seminar on Enhancing Quality of Life in Multicultural Society
Three of the committees.. |
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On the way to Grand dinner at ISTAC |
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Hijab oh hijab.. tudung oh tudung
Tudung bawal,
Tudung Syria,
Shawl atau lam BM nye selendang,
(Pashmina, Shifon, Lycra, cotton, Guni N bla bla...)
(Pashmina, Shifon, Lycra, cotton, Guni N bla bla...)
Tudung Ikin,
Wah.. bermacam2 jns tudung ade kat Malaysia ni. Maklum lah, Muslims comprise the majority population here. Kalo ditgok semula, boleh dikirakn mcm satu revolusi. Macam mane boleh mula pon... ha... itu yg kita xtau... hehehe...
Disebabkn bermacam2 style tudung yg ade kt Malaysia ni Muslimah2 kt Malaysia ni kelihatan smakin cantik dan bergaya. Bukan sje style tudung yg berlainan, malahan aksesori untk digayakn dgn tudung pon bertambah. Yg paling bertuah, student UIA... mcm2 style yg org lain xtau, diorang da tau dulu. Ditambah plak, kt uia tu, ade peniaga2 yg jual shawl yg cntik2 n up to date, jarang dijumpai kt lua tu, da lah tu murah2... sampai kan ade student yg ketagih nk beli shawl. Ade jugak, yg setiap minggu, beli satu or dua shawl. Mmg marveles la shawl pakcik... oooopppps...terlebih suda...tetibe cakap pasal shalw jualan pakcik. Kene mintak diskaun tudung kat pakcik ni sbb buat promosi lam blog ni. Hehe..
Ok2... kite smbung ke point utama. Sbnrnye X salah kalo kite nk menggayakn pelbagai jns style tudung, Tapi bia la ia bersesuaian dgn rupa kite dan keselesaan diri kita. Tau la nk ikot trend. Tapi kalo kite da nmpak pelik dgn style tu or nmpak x cantik or x sesuai x yah la nk pakai jugak. Setiap orang ada kecantikan tersendiri. Terpulang la pada orang tu mcm mane nk menyerlahkn kecantikanye. X semestinye pakai tudung biase x bergaya. Ade gak org yg pakai tudung bese (tudung bawal ke, tudung awning ke) tp ttp nmpk cntik dn bergaya kn... mmg x salah nk menggayakan mcm2 jenis tudung, setiap orang ade preference msg2 tp berpada2 la... pndai2 la nk menilai, yg mne sesuai n yg mne x sesuai. Kalo x tau, tnye kwn2..mntk pndapat ikhlas diorang. Kalo diorang ckp x cntik or x sesuai, terima je la dgn hati terbuka. Jangan la bermasam muka plak.
Mmg x salah kalo nk mencuba, nk bereksperimen ke atas diri sndiri.. tp kne tgok jugak la.. result dia mcm mne.. Jgn smpai korang je yg syok sndiri kan. Bukan ape, kite ni manusia biasa.. ade kelebihan dan kelemahan msg2. Kite bukanye sempurna. Lain la bidadari syurga kn. Sntiasa cntik. Hmm... cari la keyakinan diri anda dgn cara yg terbaik. Jgn terlalu ikut orang, sbbnye kite mungkin x same dgn org yg kite ikut tu. Setiap individu punyai kelainan msg2.. hargainya dan buktikan ia sbg kelebihan anda yg tiada pd individu yg lain. Tudung biase ke, tudung yuna ke, tudung ikin ke... sme aje... yg pntg mne yg sesuai dan selesa dgn kita dan pandangan org lain. Kalo org lain pndg, skit hati dn kite jd bhn umpatan, x pasal2 kite gak yg dpt dosa kn.. cube2 la fikirkan ye kwn2... kerie tulis ni sbnrnye berdasar kn pengalaman kerie sndiri. Kite manusia, mmg dikurniakan Allah dgn kelebihan menilai baik dan buruk. Jadi gunakan kelebihan tersebut. Ok...
Phew... penat da menaip. Rasenye ni je lah yg kerie nk tulis. Kalo rase mcm pe yg kerie tulis ni x best pon, sorry la ek.. kerie cume ingin berkongsi pndapat je ngn korang sume... thanks ya sbb sudi bace.
P/s: Shawl yg kerie rase paling x best ialah shawl subang, sbb dia punye width terlalu kecik, xleh nk buat different style. Lagi plak, terlalu ramai org pakai.. huhu...
Maal Hijrah, new year n new beginning
This blog is not new, I’ve created it two years ago... but most of the entries have been deleted. Previously, I don’t know what to write and I haven’t set my mind yet on how it should be look. I didn’t spend much time on my blog before... I don’t have any specific purpose why I created my blog. I just want to have it because other people have it. After I read others’ blog... I got a better idea. I would like to write something different and fresh to the readers or visitors. Despite writing a lot about me, I would like to write something that can be shared with others especially Muslims. Hope I will be able to present my best to all the visitors... amin~
If u likes my blog, please keep visiting. But... If u doesn’t like and care, please remind yourself that I never threaten to kill u in order u to visit my blog, so kindly please don’t ever visit my blog anymore... Thank you
Saturday, December 4, 2010
will update my blog soon... insyaAllah. New look.. Hehe...
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